Mario Ciampi: Berkeley Art Museum, University of California, 1964D–1970

  • Berkeley, California, USA, Show on map
  • #CUL #Monolith #Thomas Spier #Hagen Stier #North America
  • Shaped like a fan, Ciampi’s building adapts itself to Berkeley’s wavy landscape. Large, connected exposed concrete blocks form a dramatic general view. On the inside the dynamic design could almost be called proto-deconstructivist: robust concrete panels are partly supported by thin pilotis and are interjoined resulting in a multitude of corners and ledges which define the space. Despite the extensive use of exposed concrete, this leads to a fragile overall impression.

  • The museum was closed in 2014 as it is not considered earthquake-safe. Current plans see extensive refurbishment with unclear amounts of alterations to turn the building into a commercial laboratory.