Hannes Lintl: Church of the Holy Cross, 1971–1975

  • Vienna, Austria, Show on map
  • #REL #Africa
  • This church is among a few sacred brutalist Viennese gems that remain relatively obscure among academics. From the outside, the church building its-self appears like an impenetrable cold war bunker, yet is set amongst an interesting mid-century social development completed with a community hall and kinder garden. The church interior is cold, dark, and brutal, and when taken as a whole, almost sinister. It reminds one of a totalitarian science-fiction spaceship. Yet looking closer, the architect has achieved a brilliant control of light and form, suspending the crossed skylight with a series of softened counter-lever concrete supports that open up the guest's eyes toward the ethereal sky.

  • In use. There have been attempts by subsequent church ministers to cover up and soften its stark walls with bold fabrics and feet heaters. Do not fear, it's original expression of stark judgement and all-powerful omnipresence is still wholly present.

    Special thanks Jamie McGregor Smith!